Fraud Alert & Safety Information

Stay Alert with Our Fraud Alert Section


Welcome to our Fraud Alert section. In our commitment to transparency, we aim to keep you updated on relevant industry information, especially concerning potential fraudulent activities. Here, we provide concise, timely insights to help you distinguish legitimate practices from deceptive ones in the polygraph industry. Stay vigilant and informed with us to ensure a safe and professional experience with lie detection services.

Report Fraudulent Practices

If you’ve encountered suspicious activity or believe you’ve been a victim of fraud in the polygraph industry, your input is valuable. Click the ‘Report Fraudulent Practices’ button to share your experience with us. Help us ensure the integrity of our industry and protect others from potential scams

Can I Trust the Polygraph Examiner?

Concerned about trusting a polygraph examiner during your test? Understandably, the thought of undergoing a lie detector test can be daunting. However, polygraph examiners are trained professionals bound by ethical standards. Their goal is not to pry into your personal life but to conduct the test fairly and accurately, focusing on specific issues relevant to the examination. Trust in their professionalism and the confidentiality of the process.

Unveiling Unethical Practices: Mike Rumble, a UK-Based APA Accredited Polygraph Examiner – FRAUD ALERT

FRAUD ALERT: Mike Rumble, a UK-based APA accredited polygraph examiner, has been exposed for content theft. This violation of copyright laws undermines the hard work of content creators and raises ethical concerns. We, at, are taking this matter seriously and working to address the infringement. Upholding the rights of content creators and maintaining the integrity of our platform is our priority. Stay tuned for updates as we tackle this issue head-on. #ContentTheft #EthicalConduct #ProtectIntellectualProperty

Fake Polgraph Lie Detector Test Reports

It’s a sad fact of today’s modern society that almost anything can be bought in the way of false documentation. Currently the GMC is checking the credentials of around 3000 medical staff following the discovery of a fake ‘psychologist’ who worked for the NHS over a...

Choosing a Polygraph Lie Detector Test Examiner Guideline

Ensure your US polygraph examiner is APA-accredited for reliable results. Beware of non-accredited individuals and prioritize those committed to ongoing training and using the latest technology. Avoid hidden fees by seeking all-inclusive, fixed quotes.