Rights of Subjects

When executing polygraph tests an examiner shall respect the rights and dignity of all subjects participating in polygraph examinations.

Standards for Delivering Polygraph Decisions

  1. An examiner shall provide an unambiguous diagnosis only when there are sufficient physiological results derived from the test that are transparent and of high quality.
  2. An examiner shall record in writing his/ her diagnosis compiled from the test data.
  3. An examiner shall not deliver an unambiguous diagnosis when the physiological test data is not sufficiently clear and lacks quality. This may apply, but is not limited to, the following:
  4. Disproportionate distortion in recordings due to subject manipulation.
  5. Recordings with insufficient response.
  6. Recordings with tracing amplitudes less than that generally accepted by the profession.
    Post-Examination Notification of Results

An examiner shall allow each subject a fair chance to explain physiological reactions to relevant questions in the test. There are five exceptions:

  1. When the subject’s lawyer refuses to allow his client to participate in the post examination interview and that results of the test can only be given to the lawyer
  2. When the test is being administered by order of the court, stipulating that no post interview examination can take place.
  3. Instances of operational necessity.
  4. When the subject personally ordered the test and has no interest in participating in the post examination interview.
  5. When the person who ordered the test stated that no post interview examination should take place.
    Restrictions on Delivering Opinions
  6. An examiner cannot provide any report or opinion regarding the medical or psychological condition of the subject without being professionally qualified to do so.
  7. This shall not prevent the examiner from describing the appearance or behavior of the subject..
  8. Polygraph result decisions shall be restricted to only those derived from polygraph data.
    Restrictions on Examinations
    An examiner shall not administer a polygraph test when there is cause to believe the examination has been ordered or will be used for nefarious purposes.
    Fees An examiner shall not request or accept fees, gifts or gratuities, when the intention is to influence his/her decision, opinion or report.
    No examiner shall set any fee for polygraph services which is dependent on the results of the test.
    The fee charged shall not fluctuate as a result of his/her post polygraph test decision or opinion.

Standards of Reporting

  1. An examiner shall not consciously submit, or allow employees to submit, an inaccurate or misleading polygraph examination report.
  2. Each polygraph test report shall be an unbiased, factual and objective account of data derived from the examination, and the examiner’s qualified conclusion developed from analysis of such data.
  3. An examiner shall not consciously create, publish, or cause to be published any false or misleading statements or advertisements relating to the Organisation or the polygraph profession.
  4. No examiner shall make any false representation as to category of membership in the Organisation.
    Release of Non-relevant Information

An examiner is prohibited from disclosing any inconsequential information to anyone, derived from the polygraph test, that:

  1. Is not connected to the relevant issues.
  2. May cause any form of embarrassment to the subject, unless such disclosure is legally required.
    Restrictions on Examination Issues

An examiner shall not include in any polygraph examination, questions intended to acquire information about a subject’s activities, affiliations, race, religious or political beliefs unless they have relevance to a specific investigation.

An examiner who administers or attempts to administer any polygraph examination in violation of the Code of Ethics or the Standards of Practice may be subject to:

  1. Investigation
  2. Reprimand
  3. Suspension or expulsion from the Organisation.

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