In the realm of forensic science and psychological assessment, the accuracy and reliability of polygraph examinations are paramount. Recognizing this critical need, the ASTM International developed the ASTM E2031-99(2016) standard, a comprehensive guide dedicated to ensuring the quality control of psychophysiological detection of deception (PDD) examinations, commonly known as polygraph tests.

Background and Purpose

Polygraph examinations have long been utilized in various sectors, including law enforcement, security clearance assessments, and employment screenings, to ascertain the veracity of individuals’ statements. Given the high stakes involved, the ASTM E2031-99(2016) standard was established to delineate the best practices and methodologies that ensure the integrity and efficacy of these examinations.

Key Components of ASTM E2031-99(2016)

The standard outlines several critical components essential for maintaining the quality of polygraph examinations:

  1. Examiner Qualifications: Emphasizing the need for skilled and trained professionals who are well-versed in both the theoretical and practical aspects of polygraphy.
  2. Test Environment: Specifications for an optimal testing environment that minimizes external distractions and ensures the comfort of the examinee, thus preserving the test’s integrity.
  3. Equipment Standards: Guidelines for the polygraph equipment used during examinations, including calibration and maintenance protocols to ensure accurate readings.
  4. Testing Procedures: Standardized procedures for conducting the test, including question formulation, data collection, and analysis methods, to maintain consistency and reliability across examinations.
  5. Data Analysis: Recommendations on the interpretation of polygraph data, advocating for objective and scientifically grounded approaches to deduce the examinee’s truthfulness.
  6. Ethical Considerations: Guidelines to uphold ethical standards throughout the examination process, ensuring the rights and dignity of the examinee are respected.

Significance and Impact

The ASTM E2031-99(2016) standard serves as a cornerstone in the field of polygraph examinations, providing a structured framework that helps examiners deliver accurate and reliable results. By adhering to these guidelines, practitioners can mitigate the potential for errors and biases, thereby enhancing the credibility of polygraph tests as a tool for truth verification.

Moreover, the standard promotes a uniformity in practice that is crucial for the cross-comparison of results and methodologies in research and professional settings. This consistency is vital for advancing the scientific understanding of psychophysiological detection of deception and for fostering trust in polygraph examinations among the public and within the legal system.


The ASTM E2031-99(2016) standard is a testament to the ongoing efforts to refine and validate polygraph examinations as a reliable method for detecting deception. By outlining a comprehensive set of best practices and quality control measures, the standard not only enhances the efficacy of polygraph tests but also contributes to the broader goal of upholding justice and integrity in various applications where truth detection is critical.