EyeDetect by Converus is a novel lie detection technology that diverges from traditional polygraph methods. Here’s an overview of how it functions, its various applications, and the debates surrounding it:

How EyeDetect Works

Cognitive Load Measurement: EyeDetect assesses cognitive load through eye movements, based on the theory that lying requires more cognitive effort than truth-telling. This process is automated using an algorithm that analyzes eye behavior, in contrast to the physiological response measurements of polygraphs.

Algorithm-Based Assessment: The technology’s reliance on algorithms instead of human operators aims to reduce bias and increase accuracy.

Applications and Case Studies

Law Enforcement and Intelligence: EyeDetect is being considered by agencies like the CIA and DHS for employee screening and border security, presenting an alternative to conventional polygraphs.

Corporate and Legal Settings: Its use extends to job screenings, compliance, loss prevention, and document verification, demonstrating its versatility.

Therapeutic and Counseling Services: In counseling contexts, EyeDetect aids in uncovering truths in sensitive situations like sexual betrayal and addiction therapy.

Security Applications: Its utility is also seen in sex offender monitoring, border control, and intelligence scenarios related to espionage and terrorism.

Generalizability and Limitations

Converus claims EyeDetect is effective across diverse demographics and settings. However, its scientific basis, particularly the correlation between cognitive load and lying, remains contentious. Critics argue it might measure fear and anxiety rather than deception.

How to Buy EyeDetect

EyeDetect is a next-generation lie detector developed by scientists at the University of Utah. It measures slight changes in eye behavior to detect lies, with an accuracy of 86-88%. The system is used for various applications, including testing job applicants, employees, patients, parolees, and criminal suspects.

To purchase an EyeDetect system, it’s recommended to contact Converus, the company behind EyeDetect, directly through their website Converus. They can provide detailed information on purchasing options, pricing, and any additional requirements.

Learning to Use EyeDetect

Converus offers comprehensive training and certificate programs for EyeDetect, EyeDetect+, and VerifEye. The training is virtual, consisting of video-based demonstrations and live discussions. The next scheduled training is from Nov 14-16, 2023, taking place on Microsoft Teams, and it’s free of charge.

The training is divided into three days:

  1. Day 1 – Test Proctor Modules: This includes an introduction, product overview, and practical aspects like examinee suitability and test preparation.
  2. Day 2 – Administrator & VerifEye Modules: This covers dashboard training, test reports, and specifics of using VerifEye.
  3. Day 3 – EyeDetect Test Writing Modules: This involves learning how to write tests for EyeDetect, covering multiple test types.

Certificates are offered in various competencies, including EyeDetect Test Proctor, EyeDetect Administrator, and EyeDetect Test Writing, among others. To obtain certification, participants must watch training videos, review resources, take an online test (with a requirement of 90% for passing), and, for some advanced courses, complete practical exercises.

Certificates are valid for two years, and renewal involves retaking the online knowledge test or, for test writers, actively writing tests.


EyeDetect represents a major step in lie detection, expanding its use beyond traditional applications. Yet, its efficacy and ethical implications are still debated, underscoring the complexity and ongoing evolution of lie detection technology.

Source: Eye Detect Test UK – The UK’s #1 Eye Detect Test Provider