Lie Detector Test Knowledge Hub

Latest news, social media watch, case studies, and industry publications.

Welcome to our Polygraph/Lie Detector Knowledge Hub! Our team of Accredited Polygraph Examiners share valuable insights, articles, and client stories on polygraph testing and lie detection. From exploring the science behind polygraph tests to real client success stories, our Knowledge Hub provides information for all audiences.

Contact us to learn how our services can help maintain honesty and integrity in your organization or individual case.

Can a Lie Detector Test Uncover a Terrorist or Terrorist Plans?

In an era of escalating global tensions, the role of polygraphs in thwarting terrorist activities is scrutinized. From its law enforcement origins to aiding US counterintelligence, the question arises: Can lie detectors truly identify terrorists or their plans? As technology advances, especially with AI like the "AVATAR" system, the future of polygraph science in national security is evolving.